Films re-imaginedĀ in a whole different genre

EYE Filmmuseum – Night of the Recut Trailer

In 2014 the EYE Filmmuseum in Amsterdam hosted the Night of the Recut Trailer. An hommage to the art of re-imagining films in a new genre, by cutting them up and creating trailers that are nothing like the original film.

I decided to have a go at it, and started off with a recut trailer for Black Swan, turning it into a horribly cheesy chick flick.

However, most recut trailers you find online seem to favour horror and comedy mashups (think Mary Poppins as a horror, or It as a family film).

To make it a bit more challenging I decided to make a second trailer using two genres I hadn’t come across yet: stoner film vs. racial drama. This resulted in the recut trailer for Harold & Kumar go to White Castle.

The latter ended up being one of three trailers selected to feature during the Night of the Recut Trailer in the EYE Filmmuseum.

“White Castle”

Recut trailer of Harold & Kumar go to White Castle (2004)

“White Swan”

Recut trailer of Black Swan (2010)